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Piano and Pipe Organ Concert by Klaus Schulten

Klaus Schulten playing the Pipe OrganJLSS dear friend, Klaus Schulten, performed a wonderful concert of pipe organ and piano music on Tuesday 6 June 2023 at 5:00 PM in St. Michael's Church.
He started with the first movement of Beethoven's Sonata in A flat Major.
He played pieces by Mozart, Haydn, and concluded the concert with the first movement of Beethoven's Sonata in C Dur.
The concert was very enjoyable and most suitable for our students, members of staff, and guests.
Background information about the music prepared by Klaus was presented before it was performed.
The information was very helpful for the audience to follow the music and enjoy it.
We express our sincere gratitude to Klaus Schulten for this wonderful concert.
We also thank him for leading the JLSS Music for Peace program through organizing the concerts and supporting the program financially through the contributions he makes.
We thank SVS (Schweizer Verein für die Schneller Schulen) for providing the funds for this concert and supporting every aspect of our music program year after year.

Schneller School Name in Arabic
Johann Ludwig Schneller Schule

Education for Peace since 1860