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Advent Season in JLSS

Making Advent WreathsSaturday 27 November was the day for our boarding homes to prepare for the advent season. Children assisted by educators (house-parents) and volunteers spent the afternoon making advent wreaths for their boarding homes. A beautiful huge wreath was very artistically made by Mr. Martin Bernhard for the church. He also made beautiful candles for the church wreath this year. The first candle was lit on Sunday morning ushering the new advent season with all its excitement and beautiful traditions. Around twenty children stay at JLSS for the weekend. Those Lighting the First Candle who go home for the weekend made the wreaths before Friday in order to leave on time. EMS volunteer, Felix Weiss, helped the boys make the wreaths, and although this is a yearly tradition, children always enjoy making them. The children's service on the First Sunday of Advent was lead by Martin, and every child had his/her own candle to light from the Peace Candle set in the alter. They had a good time in church and then left to the Fellowship Hall for some refreshments.
Schneller School Name in Arabic
Johann Ludwig Schneller Schule

Education for Peace since 1860